For the background on this entry, go here.
To His Excellency Major General Sir George Arthur, ect ect, Lt. Governor of the Province of Upper Canada, etc, etc,
To His Excellency Major General Sir George Arthur, ect ect, Lt. Governor of the Province of Upper Canada, etc, etc,
The undersigned inhabitants of the London District
Most humbly showeth
That Enoch Moore, John Moore, and Harvey Bryant, all of the
County of Middlesex, Yeoman, have lately been convicted of high treason, and
were on Thursday, the 10th instant, sentenced to be executed on
Friday, the 25th instant,
Your petitioner being convinced that Her Majesty is ever
actuated by kindness and humanity, and that no wish is ever entertained by Her
Majesty to exercise any undue severity toward
any of her subjects, and persuaded that your Excellency has the same views and
feelings, that a large majority of the Lords and Commons and the British People
are desirous that a lenient course should be adopted in relation to those
persons implicated in the late rebellion—humbly and implore your Excellency to
respite the sentence of the above named prisoners until the pleasure of her
most gracious majesty shall have been made known to your excellency
And your petitioners as in duty bound to ever pray
Elias Moore (and hundreds of others)
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Part of image 1309 enhanced
Image 1310 begins next. Harry Begg's name is on both images.
There are hundreds more signatures. To see them, please go to the LAC website and use the search box above each image. For the background on this entry, go here.
I am deeply grateful to Len Fluher III for teaching me about the era of the Rebellion. I am also grateful to Richie Sue Allen at the LAC for helping me navigate through the Sundries collection.
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